The meeting was called to order at 9:15 am by President, Janet Veit.
Those present were: Janet Viet, John Mercer, Al Jowdy, Louise Jowdy, Jeff Jowdy, Debra Zube, Fran McCorriston, Sandy Oppenheimer, Mary Oppenheimer, Randy Oppenheimer, Howard Grounds, Lucille Grounds, Monroe Copeland, Debbie Copeland, Kim McElwain, Michael Asea, Brian Asea, Fred McMurray.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Fran McCorriston.
Invocation given by Howard Grounds.
President’s Report:
Janet Viet thanked John Mercer for the organization and follow through with the tours, contacts for the 27th Reunion in Charleston, and for doing an excellent job. She also thanked Al Jowdy for being treasurer and taking care of the finances for the association. Janet reported back that the wreath for the USS SLC was again placed at the front of the ship’s plaque at the Nimitz Museum in Fredricksburg, TX.
Vice-President’s Report:
The Association is continuing with the AMRF and it is working well.
Treasurer’s Report:
Al Jowdy reported that 15 members paid dues for 2014 and 3 members have paid for 2015. Thank you to the boosters and the Jones’ contribution to the association. Al reported on monies spent: Newsletters and postage $95, Interned for Sandy E. $195, printing $450, Gratuity for the tours is equal to $2 per person per day for the tour guide equaling $60, and $1 per person per day for the bus driver equaling $60. Approximately $300 was spent on the Hospitality Room. Currently the account balance is approximately $2500 with 50 members.
Unfinished Business:
Keep the dues coming in as it keeps the Association going; continuity is important.
New Business:
Janet Viet discussed 3 locations that were suggested by current members. The locations include San Diego, CA, Newport News, VA, and Pearl Harbor. Discussion included inviting the veterans and families from the Chester and Pensacola to the 28th Reunion to be determined. Sandy Oppenheimer, Al Jowdy, Fran McCorriston, and Howard Grounds were in agreement. It is agreed that the USS SLC Association will remain status quo and the Cruiser Division 5 members will be invited. Sandy Oppenheimer motioned and Al Jowdy seconded to invite these members and the motion carried unanimously. Sandy Oppenheimer motioned and Lucille Grounds seconded the motion to have the Executive Board comprise the planning committee. The motion passed unanimously. The location will be decided by the end of September 2014 and the activities will be decided upon by January 2015.
Nominations for officers followed. Al Jowdy moved and Sandy Oppenheimer seconded that John Mercer be nominated for President. The resulting vote was affirmative. Sandy Oppenheimer moved and Lucille Grounds seconded that Janet Viet be nominated for Vice-President. The resulting vote was affirmative. John Mercer nominated and Mike Asea seconded that Al Jowdy be nominated for Treasurer. The resulting vote was affirmative.
Sandy Oppenheimer moved and Mike Asea seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 10:05 am.
2014 Reunion Highlights
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