USS Salt Lake City CA25 Association
2012 Minutes
New Orleans, Louisiana
June 21, 2012, 10:00 a.m.

The meeting was called to order by Janet Veit, President. She thanked all who helped in organizing this reunion. She also wanted us to know that she attended this year's wreath-laying at the USS SLC plaque at the Nimitz Museum. Several members contributed to the wreath fund so that will be an annual event.

John Mercer gave the Vice-President report. He explained the many benefits of obtaining event insurance through AMRF. The organization provides a tax-payer ID and helps with tax returns for associations such as ours. It also provides $4 million General Liability insurance for events and officers. The cost is $298 per year and the Executive Board voted to obtain the insurance.

Al Jowdy reported on the Association financial status. Obtaining the above insurance required a change in the name of the bank account for the Association. It is now: AMRF USS SLC Association.

Because of the tax exempt status obtained by AMRF, contributions to the Association can be claimed as deductions. After last year's reunion, the bank balance was about $3,000 and after this year's reunion expenses are paid, the balance will be around that same amount. There are about 89 members in the Association.

Unfinished Business:

There was a discussion about needing to increase membership. Also suggested were ways to have sponsorships for specific items such as paying for items used at reunions (for example, coffee, food for the hospitality room). More donations for the Booster Club would be helpful and the newsletter and website can remind people of this.

New Business:

Ideas for the 2013 Reunion were discussed. Janet has information for Branson and Omaha; John has information about Nashville. Proposals from membership can be sent to the Executive Board. The proposals need to have pertinent information regarding transportation to the location, hotel prices and activities available. It also important to determine that the proposed locations allow food and liquor to be brought to the hospitality room. These proposals need to be submitted by September 30, 2012, to the Executive Board so that they can look them over and make a decision to release to membership by January 2013. Target dates to hold the 2013 reunion will be during the middle to end of June. Sandy Oppenheimer reminded those interested in pursuing locations to mention that this is a WWII veterans group.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, other ideas to be explored are: Lyn Brophy will check information on West Coast possibilities, Randy Oppenheimer will do so for Chicago and Jeff Jowdy will investigate various other locations.

Election of the next Association President followed and Sandy Oppenheimer moved and Mike Asea seconded that Janet Veit be elected President for a second term. The motion passed. Janet said she will retain the John Mercer as Vice-President and Al Jowdy as Treasurer.

Randy Oppenheimer and Jeff Jowdy will do the 2012 Reunion book.

The idea of purchasing a coffee pot was suggested as coffee is expensive to provide in the Hospitality Room. Mary Jowdy said she will take care of getting coffee for next year.

Sandy Oppenheimer moved to adjourn and Rodney Jones seconded the motion. It passed and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Jones

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