June 30th, 2016 Business Meeting Minutes at the 29th SLC CA25 Reunion in San Antonio, TX. |
The Meeting was called to order at 10:10 by President Janet Veit.
Those present were: Janet Veit, Al & Louise Jowdy, Jeff & Mary Jowdy, Peg Gonzalez, Debe Zube, James McCorriston, Sandy & Mary Oppenheimer, Randy Oppenheimer, Howard & Lucille Grounds, Monroe Copeland, Charleen Maschinot Hurton, Mike Asea, Richard Noar, R. Kim McElwain, & Bonita McElwain Wilcox. Janet thanked Al Jowdy for his work as Treasurer. She also thanked Jeff Jowdy for his help with the reunion (locating/contacting the Emily Morgan Hotel & for his photographic work). Randy Oppenheimer for his layout of the reunion book, Mike Asea for his set-up of the memorabilia in the hospitality room, Kim McElwain for his help with supplying food and refreshments for the hospitality room and Sandy Eskew for her continued efforts on the website & newsletters. Jeff Jowdy thanked Janet for her work on the reunion planning & activities. Rich Noar expressed gratitude that we had Jim Hornfischer, author of Neptune's Inferno, present at our Two-Bell program at the Nimitz Museum, since he had read his book & was very complimentary. Janet also reported that she attended the Memorial Day program at the Nimitz Museum and a wreath was laid at the plaque of the USS Salt Lake City, along with reconition by General Hagee (President/CEO of the Nimitz Foundation) of the SLC. Vice-President's Report: While John Mercer could not attend this year, Janet reported that he has been actively searching for a replacement for AMRF. They had been providing tax filing assistance & liability insurance in the past, but are no longer doing so. Treasurer's Report: Al Jowdy reported a balance of $6,000 before payment of all total banquet expenses. The reunion expenses were approximately $10,000. There are 24 paying members (3 for 2017). Unfinished Business: None New Business Janet shared that she had spoken to the Treasurer of the USS Chester Association, & the suggestion was made that a Salt Lake City & Chester reunion be held in the same city, same date/time & same hotel. Each group would organize separately & there would be no co-mingling of funds. The treasurer would bring this up at the next annual meeting of the Chester. Possible locations for the reunion next year were discussed. Mike Asea, who lives on the east coast, suggested Norfolk or Newport News. No other locations were presented. The membership voted to pursue these two locations, since they are only a few miles from each other. Electioin of New President Sandy Oppenheimer moved & Kim McElwain seconded that Mike Asea be nominated for President. The motion carried. Mike will appoint the positions of Vice-President & Treasurer. A drawing was held for several copies of the book, "The battle of the Komandorski Islands", which were donated by Rich Noar. All veterans, plus several other "lucky" members received a copy. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 Return to SLC Association Return to Website Update |
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