U.S.S. SLC...USN...James Edward Krebs, SC2c
James Edward Krebs passed away on April 18, 2014. Information from grandson Chad Krebs
June 29th, 2012
Here is a photograph of my grandfather James Edward Krebs. The photo is undated, but on the back are the characters 17. He is 88 years old now and lives in AR.
He is from Arkansas, but I am not sure what the number "17" means as he would have been 19 or 20 at the time the picture was taken. It would have been taken sometime around 1943.
Also I am including a "Duty Roster" that he either mailed home, or brought back.
It is also undated, but on the back side of it, in maybe his mother's handwriting are the words "Invasion and Occupation of Iwo Jima. Invasion and Occupation of Okanawa. And now Japan." Okinawa is spelled incorrectly on roster as I have typed.
Thank you, and if you have any feedback on these pieces I am always interested. I am fascinated by the ship and wish my grandfather would have kept up with more of his belongings from that time to share with us.
Chad Krebs
SLC Deck Log Jan. 1943