U.S.S. SLC...USN...Otis Worley Pruett, F1c
Aug. 21st, 2011
Dear Sandra:
You have my father listed on the USS Salt Lake City in 1938, O. W. Pruett. His name is Otis Worley Pruett. If you would like more information on him, I can send that to you. He is still alive at age 94 living in Ormond Beach, Florida. He still remembers the ship, what he did and where he went. He has a picture of it on his wall, crossing under the Golden Gate bridge.
He left the navy to graduate from Auburn University in mechanical engineering and went into the army after graduation to serve in WWII as a captain serving in Germany. He joined the navy right out of high school in 1936.
Mary Norman, daughter of O. W. Pruett