USS SLC...Marine...Paul E. Scheibner, 1st Sgt., USMC
Paul E. Scheibner passed away on Sept. 25th, 2018 at the age of 101 yrs. old. Information
from family friend Ruth.
1995 USS SLC Association Newsletter
Written by Paul Scheibner to H. H. "Jake" Jaekel, 1994-95 SLC Assoc. Pres.
During my tour of duty on the SLC I didn't become acquainted with many of the
crew. It was my good fortune to know and serve with member of the gunnery
and sky control division in the 40MM's.
I was assigned to the SLC as a replacement to the Marine First Sergeant for
the Marine Detachment right after the Komandorski Battle, when the ship was
brought to Mare Island for repairs.
As 1st Sgt. of the Marine Detachment I served until the ship was notified to
transfer the Marine Detachment off at Astoria. Fate was kind to all who served,
the ship had the mark of "being right on".
If I had not been transferred to the SL I was destined to be with the 5th
Division on the Iwo Jima landings, so you can appreciate my respect of fate
when we took part in that operation as a fire support.
Best regards
Paul Scheibner
Added Information - June 25th, 2002.
Dear Pat,
I so enjoyed our telephone chat this am, as I mentioned to you my son mailed me the "Internet history" of the Salt Lake City from its original launching to the final days off the coast of CA. where gunnery practice rang down the final curtain on, in my opinion, the most blessed of all the Navy Ships to have survived the many, many assignments during the years of active duty.
My own good fortune came when I was transferred aboard while the ship was being repaired in Mare Island following the Komandorski Action. I was scheduled to be transferred to the 5th Division as 1st Sergeant of a ground company for landing assignment. I was at Astoria, Oregon as the 1st Sgt. of a casual company awaiting further transfer to combat. So….to replace the 1st Sgt. on the SLC was one of fates irony. Later when our ship covered the Iwo Jima operation and we Marines in the detachment were witnessing the bravery and sacrifice of the Divisions (including the 4th & 5th) on the beach, we aboard the SLC could only wonder how we were assigned “Sea duty”. Which by the way during all the wars, sea duty assignment was considered by the Marine Corps to be on Par with Embassy duty as choice assignments.
I have enclosed various photos of the detachment. [See links below].
Also enclosed is a post war photo that taken during my business career. I realized it was taken over 10 years ago. Where do the years go and oh how quickly they go.
After my discharge in 1945 to inactive duty, I pursued or should say, re-entered the entertainment world back in Hollywood as a singer and “MC” in various night clubs and recorded various songs. Fortunately I was guided by a fan of mine who convinced me to explore the world of International business, which I elected to do. My fortunate during all these years was to follow my own life slogan….”Success is a journey… not a destination”. Life is intended to have us experience a journey.
As I now embrace my 85th year, I am grateful that fate has exposed me to an interesting life and allowed me to be among the “lucky ones” to be an AMERICAN and enjoy the fruits of the “American Tree of Opportunity” and to remember while I traveled and studied throughout the capitals of the world, like London, Oxford University, Germany, Moscow and so on, that because of the “Freedom of being an American”, my life has been possible.
Semper Fidelis
Paul E. Scheibner, 1st Sgt., USMC
Contributed Group Pictures of SLC Marines
SLC Deck Log May 1944
#9 in picture with Marine Detachment, 1945
#18 in picture with Marines, 1945