During the past two weeks this ship has carried out the hardest part of her year's gunnery
schedule, shooting day battle as a duel with the Pensacola at a range of 22,000 to 27,000
yards, and night battle practice with the main battery at a range of about 5500 yards, and the
secondary battery at about 3,000 yards.
On day battle practice we got in the first salvo and reports indicate that the ship did
exceedingly well. In the night practice our illumination was excellent, and the main batter
demonstrated its ability by breaking up a very small target.
The success attained on these practices has only come about by the most intensive and
interested devotion to duty by all the officers and men on board. The gunnery department
functioned well, but the cooperation of all the other departments in the ship and their
interest and helpfulness has been a large contribution to the good results obtained.
Last year the ship demonstrated her ability by winning a first prize for her main batter
performances, which were as good as any heavy cruiser. Results for this year have not yet
been completed, but it is certain that the ship will stand high.
The real value of all this is that it clearly demonstrates the fact that this ship can give
the best possible account of herself in action. In the present emergency we do not know how
soon the ship may be called upon to fight, but I feel perfectly confident that the Officers
and men of this ship can in any engagement prove their ability to come off victorious.
I desire to express my appreciation and thanks to each officer and to each man in the ship's
company for his effective and loyal contribution to the maintenance of this high standard. I
am proud of the ship and all hands in her, and you have clearly demonstrated her worthiness to
continue to be considered "The Queen of the Seas."