Index of U.S.S. SLC CA25 Reunion Books
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Salt Lake City, UT., 1973 June 9th-10th, 1973 at the Hotel Utah Captain Edmond B. Pugsley was the founder of the U.S.S. SLC Association and organizer of the First Reunion. Second San Diego, CA., 1975 June 12th-15th, 1975 at the Bahia Motor Hotel. Vincent R. "Shorty" Dahlen... President of the Association for 1974-1975 Third Orlando, FL., 1977 Aug. 11th-14th, 1977- Orlando Hyatt Hotel Charles H. Carroll.... President of the Association for 1976-77 Names of those attending were not listed in booklet If you know the name of anyone attending this reunion Please send it to me. Put "SLC 1977" in the Subject Line Fourth San Antonio, TX., 1979 Oct. 25th-28th, 1979 at the St. Anthony Hotel Ryland E. Brem.... President of the Association for 1978-1979 Fifth Lincolnshire, IL., 1981 Jul. 29th-Aug. 2nd, 1981 at the Marriott's Lincolnshire Alfred J. Frank.... President of the Association for 1980-1981 Sixth Reno, NV., 1983 Aug. 7th-11th, 1983 at the El Dorado Hotel Casino LeRoy E. Ewing.... President of the Association for 1982-1983 Seventh San Diego, CA., 1985 1985 at the Sheraton Harbor Island West Hotel Paul H. Grevencamp.... President of the Association for 1984-1985 Eighth Philadelphia, PA., 1987 Aug. 24th-28th, 1987 at the Hershey Hotel Sandy Oppenheimer.... President of the Association for 1986-1987 Ninth Denver, CO., 1989 Sept. 4th-8th, 1989 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel Edward E. Bennett.... President of the Association for 1988-1989 Tenth Las Vegas, NV., 1991 Sept. 16th-20th, 1991 at the Riviera Hotel Rocco Natale.... President of the Association for 1990-1991 Eleventh Annapolis, MD., 1993 Sept. 13th-17th, 1993 at the Ramada Inn Francis X. Earley.... President of the Association for 1992-1993 Twelfth Sacramento, CA., 1995 Sept. 17th-24th, 1995 at the Red Lion's Sacramento Inn Haile H. "Jake" Jaekel.... President of the Association for 1994-1995 Thirteenth Las Vegas, NV., 1997 Aug. 31st-Sept. 4th, 1997 at the Aladdin Hotel Pat Monteleone.... President of the Association for 1996-1997 Fourteenth Corpus Christi, TX., 1999 Aug. 1999, Hotel Unknown Harold Dugan.... President of the Association for 1998-1999 Shortly after the reunion, Harold Dugan became ill and passed away in Feb. of 2000 Information about the reunion and a lot of the pictures were lost Fifteenth Reno, NV., 2001 Sept. 17th-21st, 2001 at the Sands Regency Hotel-Casino Pat Monteleone....President of the Association for 2000-2001 Sixteenth Branson, MO., 2002 Sept. 17th-20th, 2002 at the Grand Plaza Hotel Sandy Oppenheimer....President of the Association for 2002 Seventeenth Laughlin, NV., 2003 Sept. 21st-24th, 2003 at the Ramada Express Hotel Haile H. "Jake" Jaekel....President of the Association for 2003 Eighteenth Salt Lake City, UT, 2004 Sept. 18th-20th, 2004 at the Sheraton City Centre Hotel Pat Monteleone....President of the Association for 2004 Due to Pat's illness, Sandy Oppenheimer was the Reunion Chairman for the event Nineteenth New Orleans, LA., 2005-Canceled due to Hurricane Katrina Sept. 17th-20th, 2005 at The Brent House Hotel Louis Rehm....President of the Association for 2005 Nineteenth Tulsa/Catoosa, OK., 2006 June 25th-29th, 2006 at the Cherokee Casino Resort Louis Rehm....President of the Association for 2005-2006 Twentieth Tulsa/Catoosa, OK., 2007 June 3rd-8th, 2007 at the Cherokee Casino Resort Sandra f. Thompson-Eskew....President of the Association for 2007 daughter of SLC Veteran, Hoyt W. Thompson, S1c Twenty-First Springfield, MO., 2008 June 22nd-27th, 2008 at the DoubleTree Hotel Sandra f. Thompson-Eskew....President of the Association for 2008 Twenty-Second San Antonio, TX., 2009 June 21st-26th, 2009 at the Holiday Inn Sandra f. Thompson-Eskew....President of the Association for 2009 Reunion organizers are Albert and Louise Jowdy with the help of Janet Veit, daughter of SLC Veteran, Robert J. McElwain, GM1c. Twenty-third San Diego, CA., 2010 2010 Reunion in San Diego, CA. June 20th through the 23rd, 2010 at the Holiday Inn Bayside in San Diego, CA. John Mercer.... President of the Association and also the organizer of the reunion for 2010 son of SLC Veteran Arthur Mercer |
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