USS SLC ..."Enlisted Navy"...Arthur John "Jack" Crose, S1c
Arthur John 'Jack' Crose, 85, passed away on Sept. 10th, 2006 after complications from a fall.
Information from brother in law, David Lindsey
Jack entered active service on Dec. 20, 1941 in San Francisco, CA. He served
35 months in the US Navy and received his "Honorable" discharge on March 28,
1945. He held the rating of Seaman 1st Class for 28 months & Seaman 2nd Class
for 7 months.
He boarded the USS SALT LAKE CITY on March 19, 1942 at the US Navy Yard, Pearl
Harbor, T.H.
During his tour of duty he served in the American Theater, Asiatic-Pacific Area,
receiving 1 Silver Star.
UPDATE Mar. 9th, 2000
I had to write a thank you. My grandfather, Arthur "Jack" Crose, my
grandmother, my mom, my husband, and I got on the web, and visited this
site. My grandpa got to talk about all the things he remembered about the
war. He was very proud to see his picture on this site.
Do you know I'm his granddaughter and I never knew he received the Silver
Star? -Now I do. And when my son asks about his great-grandpa, I can tell
him about it. (My son is only 2 1/2. Not quite up to understanding any of
I can't believe all the information that you have gathered. It is
wonderful. For us, it gave grandpa a chance to talk, remember, and feel
appreciated for what he did. I'm afraid to say, I don't take the time out
to listen to his stories, like I used to when I was little.
I wanted to send a heart felt THANK YOU! My grandfather is still not in the
best of health and something like this really brightened his day, and made
us get a little closer.
Thank you,
Michelle & Scott Crapo
Bettie Larsen
Arthur and Bettie Crose
Contact Person
Bro. in Law, T. David Lindsey