"Why We Fight-Is it Worthwhile?"
Feb. 6th, 1944
It is as important to know why we fight as it is to know how to fight. The fighter with a purpose has more chance of victory than the fighter without a purpose.
The Navy, with its educational and orientation aids, seeks to explain to the blue jackets why they are fighting and to throw light on the background for the present struggle. Navy Chaplains, in bringing spiritual consolation to fighting blue jackets, do their part too in analyzing the war in terms of timeless spiritual values.
Religion is not a namby-pamby thing. It should be part and parcel of every blue jacket’s fighting equipment. It tends to round out the military life, making each phase of your training more significant.
Attend Church Services Sunday Morning.....And Think It Over.
Is it Worthwhile? Is our cause worth the effort and the sacrifice we must make? Are our ideals of democracy, of freedom, and individual opportunity worth defending at so great a cost in human lives and money?
Someone has said, "If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for." The pioneers who came to these rockbound shores to hew new homes out of the wilderness had a vision of a land of freedom, where the rights of the common man would be preserved.
They must cross a wide and stormy ocean. They suffered with cold and famine. There was the ever constant fear of the hostile Indian tribes. Yet they never doubted the worthwhileness of their endeavor. The freedom and hope they found in this land was worth any sacrifice.
The sacrifices' of our men and women at Bataan, Corregidor, in Tunisia and Sicily, and in every theater of operations in which the members of our fighting forces have taken part have been to preserve freedom for ourselves and for posterity.
Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister of Canada, has aptly summed up the ideals for which we are fighting---"We believe that everything which free men value and cherish on this side of the grave, is a in peril in this war---the right of men, rich and poor, to be treated as men; the right of men make the laws by which they shall be governed; the right of men to work where they will, at what they will; the right of womankind to the serenity and sanctity of the home; the right of old men and women to the tranquility of their sun-set; the right to speak the truth in our hearts; the right to worship in our own way, the God in whom we believe."
It is worthwhile to make sacrifices and even to die for such a cause? If it is worthwhile, let us pray God that we may be given courage and strength to do our part. May we be valiant in service to God and country.