USS SLC..."Enlisted Navy"...Robert E. Grizzell, Y3c
Robert E Grizzell Y3c passed away on April 7, 2011 and is memorialized at the National Memorial Cemetary in Phoenix AZ. He was a wonderful father and grandfather and my 4 brothers and I miss him dearly. Thank you for all you are doing!
Carol (Grizzell) Van Dijk
Peoria, AZ
March 27th, 2000
I was flattered to hear my letter was sent around to others. I really only
Elmer Breeze
to read it to thank him for all
the help he gave to young men. There are others like
Alex M. Mihalka, CBM
Bert J. Edgar, BM1c.
I'm now 75 years old, so some of the names have slipped my mind.
I was assigned to the 9th Division when I boarded the ship. I was a Second
Class Seaman and was placed on the after 40's as a third loader. I can
remember being scared out of my wits, and men like Breeze, Mihalka & Bertram
helped me to take care of my self. I hold high regard for these men.
Alex Mihalka was the leading petty officer in the division and he helped me to
get settled. Elmer Breeze was a stern man which helped me to learn my duties on the
40's. He was a tall redhead with a young face. He had a funny laugh which
ran through my whole body. When I heard he was ill, I had to tell him just
how much he was a part of my"our" lives. He touched many lives
and saved many lives through his instructions. He was a real hero.
Bertram taught us how to tie line and repair torn canvas. Also to clean the
compartment in all ways possible. I believe these men were more heroic than
the ones that died for their country. They kept us alive for the future of
our country. Very seldom is there a story of men like this. They were only
plain men in one sense and great men in another. We were a team and we
showed it in every battle...Thanks to these men.
Robert E. Grizzell Y3c
SLC Deck Logs, Aug. 1943
Attended the following SLC Reunions:
James M. O'Hara
made mention of what this letter meant to him in a May 28th, UPDATE on his page.