Events from the

April, 1942
Part One...Part Two

List of Information Transcribed from Copies of Originals


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April 15th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in Condition of Readiness II in company with TASK FORCE 16.1 & 16.2, in cruising disposition 7-V. This ship is 1000 yards astern of USS NASHVILLE. USS HORNET is Fleet Guide.

[4-8 Hours]
Steaming as before.

0700: Rain squall set in from southwest. Visibility reduced to 1500 yards.

Smythe, J. H., Cox, USN received contusion of left leg while going through the wash room hatch. Negligence not apparrent. Man retained in Sick Bay for further treatment.

ocean wave

April 17th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in Condition of Readiness II in company with TASK FORCE 16.1 & 16.2. USS HORNET is Fleet Guide.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before.

The two after planes on flight deck were moved inboard and secured. Changed course to test machine guns 1.1" guns and 20 MM guns. Resumed base course. Maneuvered astern of USS NORTHAMPTON in preparation to go along side USS CIMARRON to fuel.

[12-16 Hours]
Steaming as before. Completed fueling, receiving 5,585.5 barrels fuel oil.

[18-20 Hours]
Steaming as before.

Braswell, H. R. S1c, USN received laceration of left eyebrow while on lookout watch on 5" #8. A wave came over the gun shield and caused his head to hit shield, causing injury. Negligence not apparent. Treated in Sick Bay and returned to duty.

[20-24 Hours]
Steaming as before. Rain squalls during watch until 2300, when visibility increased to 1500 yards.

ocean wave

April 18th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming as before in condition of Readiness II, Material Condition "ZED" (Modified), in company with TASK FORCE 16.2 & 16.5. USS HORNET is Fleet Guide.

[4-8 Hours]
Steaming as before. 0710: Small patrol vessel reported sighted by USS ENTERPRISE planes. Set Condition Readiness I, in the Anti-Aircraft Battery. 0740: Sighted enemy patrol vessel, distance abt. 11 miles. Reported same to OTC.

0756: USS NASHVILLE left formation to close range & opened fire on patrol vessel.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. On Fleet course to take station astern of USS HORNET, to act as plane guard. USS ENTERPRISE assumed Fleet Guide.

[12-16 Hours]
Steaming as before. 1403: Sighted small enemy patrol vessel, distance 8 miles. USS NASHVILLE left formation under orders of OTC to destroy enemy patrol vessel. Commenced maneuvering incident to aircraft operations of USS HORNET. 1500: Plane crased in water, distance 5,000 yards. USS NASHVILLE proceeded to rescue crew of plane.

[16-18 Hours]
Steaming as before. Conforming to carriers' movements, while engaged in aircraft operations.

Commendation awarded Pace, N. C., S1c for meritorious service on this day.

ocean wave

April 19th, 1942
See The Bombing of Toyko
The Doolitte Raiders and the story of the USS HORNET

[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in condition of readiness II in company with TASK FORCE 16.2 & 16.5, in column as follows:
USS NORTHAMPTON, USS ENTERPRISE, USS HORNET, USS SALT LAKE CITY, distance 1500 yards. USS ENTERPRISE guide, with USS NASHVILLE 2000 yards on her port beam, and USS VINCENNES 2000 yards on her starboard beam. Using all boilers, with engines in high pressure combination.

[4-8 Hours]
Steaming as before. Commenced maneuvering incident to aircraft operations. 0603: Sighted 6 ships, distance 10 miles. Identified as our destroyers joining formation. Formed cruising formation V-7 on fleet course with USS HORNET as Fleet Guide.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. Commenced maneuvering to conform to movements of USS ENTERPRISE launching & recovering airplanes.

Lt. W. J. Kuhn, (Chc), USN, held divine services for benefit of crew.

Blackburn, J. W., F1c, USN, received first degree burn on forehead and right ear while working in Engineers Metalsmith shop. Negligence not apparent. Man treated with tannic acid and returned to duty.

ocean wave

April 20th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in condition of Readiness II in company with TASK FORCES 16.2, 16.4 & 16.5 in formation V-7. this ship 1000 yards astern of USS NASHVILLE unit guide in formation with USS HORNET, Fleet Guide.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. Turned course for aircraft operation. USS ENTERPRISE and USS HORNET changed places in formation; USS ENTERPRISE assumed guide.

ocean wave

April 21st, 1942 plus 12
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in company with TASK FORCE 16, in formation 7-V, USS HORNET Fleet Guide, USS NASHVILLE, Unit Guide. USS SLC postiion 1000 yards astern USS NASHVILLE. Material Condition "ZED".

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. USS HORNET & USS ENTERPRISE exchanged stations, USS ENTERPRISE becoming Fleet Guide.

ocean wave

April 21st, 1942 minus 12
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in condition of Readiness II in company with TASK FORCES 16.2, 16.4, and 16.5 in formation 7-V.

[4-8 Hours]
Steaming as before. Sighted USS SABINE, USS CIMARRON & USS MONSSEN, as they joined this disposition.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. Commenced maneuvering and conformed to movements of USS ENTERPRISE launching, and USS HORNET recovering aircraft. USS HORNET reported one (1) plane unaccounted for. Set Condition of Readiness I in Main & Anti-aircraft battery for drill.

Fullingim, B., S1c, USN received the following injury within command: Laceration of scalp received when rising from deck and hitting his head on a box. He was treated in Sick Bay and returned to duty.

1100: Set condition of Readiness III throughout ship. The plane reported missing from USS HORNET crashed about six (6) miles astern of formation while returning. Conformed to movements of USS ENTERPRISE proceeding to area of plane crash.

[12-16 Hours]
Steaming as before. USS SABINE assumed guide. USS HORNET & USS ENTERPRISE changed stations & USS HORNET assumed guide.

[18-20 Hours]
Steaming as before.

Ancel, J. B., S1c, USN ball-red-02 Deceased received laceration of upper lip while working. Negligence not apparent. Man treated in Sick Bay and returned to duty.

1850: Set condition of readiness II. Steering casualty. Bridge lost steering control; steering aft took steering control. Shifing from starboard to port steering units. 1855: Transferred steering control to Bridge.

ocean wave

April 22nd, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in condition of readiness II in company with TASK FORCE 16, in disposition 7-V, USS ENTERPRISE at Fleet center Guide.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. Ran into heavy rain squall during aircraft recovering operation.

[18-20 Hours]
Steaming as before. Grahn, Howard E., Lt. (jg), USN Deceased was admitted to the Sick List this date. Diagnosis: Acute Cat Fever

ocean wave

April 23rd, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in condition of Readiness II in company of TASK FORCE 16.

[20-24 Hours]
Steaming as before.

Hodges, G. T., S2c, USN was operated upon by Hayes, James F., Comdr. (MC), USN and assisted by Jacoby, Jack M., Lt. (jg), (MC), USN, for acute appendicities. Operation successfully completed.

ocean wave

April 24th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in Condition of Readiness II in company with TASK FORCE 16.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before.

Frank, A. J., S1c, USN fractured the little finger on his left hand while working on a stage line. The stage line shifted and caught his finger causing the injury. Lt. (jg) J. M. Jacoby, (MC), treated the injury. A splint was applied and the man returned to duty.

ocean wave

April 25th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Steaming in condition of Readiness II in company of TASK FORCE 16.

[8-12 Hours]
Steaming as before. Commenced maneuvering, standing in to Pearl Harbor, TH. Captain at the Conn., Navigator, and Executive Officer on the Bridge.

Received Greene, R. L., Pilot, USN on board.

Hoisted out the following airplanes:
5-CS-16; 5-CS-14; 5-CS-15; 5-CS-13

Transferred Dallas, Phillip K., S2c, USN with bag, hammock, records & accounts, to US Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, TH. for treatment.

Pilot R. L. Greene too the Conn. Moored port side in Berth-12, US Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, TH.

ocean wave

April 26th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Moored in Berth 12, Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, TH.

[8-12 Hours]
Moored as before

The following named men are this date being honorable discharged at Pearl Harbor, TH. by reason of expiration of enlistment & for the conveinience of the government.
Harris, R. W., RM1c, USN
Hill, C. R., CWT, USN
Smith, W. H., CEM(PA), USN
Kelly, L. D., WT2c, USN
Lombardi, P., CPhM(AA), USN

All the above named men will re-enlist for four (4) years on April 27th. Lombardi will re-enlist in the rating of PhM1c.

Seim, J. K., EM3c, USN, Sharit, C. R., BM1c, USN & Godde, B. E., Bkr3c, USN ball-red-02 Deceased returned aboard with bags, hammocks, records & accounts, from the US Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor, TH. for duty.

Barrett, C. F., SC2c, USN reported on board for duty with bag, hammock, records & accounts.

Received the following stores for us in General Mess, from Dairymen's Assoc., Ltd., Honolulu, TH.
Ice Cream, 30 gals.; inspected as to quantity by Waits, M. L., Pay Clerk and as to quality by Haugen, P. H., PhM3c,

[12-16 Hours]
Moored as before.
Transferred Ross, V. R., ACOM(PA), USN to Patrol Wing Two, for duty, with records and accounts.

Transferred Rundall, Paul Stanley, CP(AA), USN to CINPAC, with records and accounts, having completed temporary duty on this vessel. Reported back on board same day.

Taplett, R. D., 2nd. Lt., USMC ball-red-02 Deceased executed the oath of office as 1st. Lieut., having been sworn in by the Captain.

ocean wave

April 28th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Moored in Berth 12, Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, TH. Receiving provisions and supplies.

[8-12 Hours]
Moored as before.

Transferred DeWitt, C., AMM3c, USN, Lenhart, W. J., AMM3c, USN & Morton, F. E., AMM3c, USN to US REC. STAT., Pearl Harbor, TH. with bags, hammocks, records & accounts, FFT to US Naval Air Station, Seattle, Washington, for duty.

[12-16 Hours]
Moored as before.

Smith, S. L., GM3c, USN received lacerated tounge while handling ammunition; negligence not apparent. Treated in Sick Bay and man addmitted to Sick List.

ocean wave

April 29th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Moored in Berth 12, Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, TH. Receiving provisions & supplies. Commenced making preparations for getting underway.

[8-12 Hours]
Moored as before

Matthews, R. H., PFC, USMC, and Foss, John D., PFC, USMC, were transferred this date to the Marine Force, 14th Naval District, Pearl Harbor, TH. for duty in defense battalion. Records and accounts will be mailed.

[12-16 Hours]
Moored as before. Commenced fueling from dock.

Transferred Stevens, E., Pharmacist, USN Deceased to Navy Yard, Puget Sound, Washington, to report to Comdt. Navy Yard, for duty in Naval Hospital.

Transferred Waldrup, Benney Dewey, CSM, USN to REC. STAT., Pearl Harbor, TH., FFT to REC. STAT., San Francisco, CA., for assignment by SUB COM SER FOR, with bag, hammock, records & accounts.

Doyal, Coy R., Pvt., USMC & Kererline, Lloyd J., Pvt., USMC reported on board with bags, hammocks, records & accounts for duty.

[16-20 Hours]
Moored as before.

War Correspondent Keith Wheeler, ofthe Chicago Times, came on board.

Received the following men with bags, hammocks, records & accounts, from US REC. STAT., Pearl Harbor, TH. for duty:
Graham, Martin J., AS V-6, USNR
Grave, Vernon A., AS, V-6, USNR ball-red-02 Deceased
Green, Elden G., AS, USN
Green, Paul E., AS, V-6, USNR
Groger, Roy H., Jr., AS, V-6, USNR ball-red-02

Transferred Libbey [Libby], Robert W., F1c, USN and Kuechenmeister, William R., F1c, USN, with bags, hammocks, records, and accounts, to US REC. STAT., Pearl Harbor, TH., for duty in A83 detail.

Completed fueling from the dock, having received 452,802 gals. fuel oil.

Arling, Arthur E., Lt. D-V(S), USNR reported on board for temporary additional duty, having in his charge, Newmark, Stephen N., P2c, USNR

ocean wave

April 30th, 1942
[0-4 Hours]
Moored in Berth 12, Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor, TH.

[4-8 Hours]
Moored as before. Received 1500 gals. aviation gasoline.

Sutton, Clifford L., MM2c, USN left the ship to report to COM SER FOR (PAC), for temporary duty in charge ofthis ship's boats remaining in port.

Transferred Burke, Jr., William R., ARM3c, USN to US REC. STAT., Pearl Harbor, TH., FFT to US Naval Air Station, Seatle, Washington, for duty.

Transferred the following men, with bags, hammocks, records & accounts, to US REC. STAT., Pearl Harbor, TH, FFT as indicated:
Menz, Darwin, D., FC2c, USN to US Navy Yard, Washington, DC, for course in instruction at Advanced Firecontrol School.

Nash, Joe R., F2c, USN to US NTS, Norfolk, VA., for course in instruction at Diesel Engine School.

Wolchko, Joseph, S1c, USN and Alberico, Thomas, S1c, USN to US Navy Yard, Mare Island, CA., for a course in instruction at the Short Course Optical School.

Green, Guy F., SC1c, USN to US NTS., San Diego, CA. for a course of instruction at Cooks and Bakers school.

Thompson, Donavan L., RM1c, USN to US Naval Research Lab., Bellevue, DC, for a course of instruction in Radio Material School.

Completed preparations for getting underway.

[8-12 Hours]
Moored as before. 0805: Captain Ellis M. Zacharias took the Conn. Got underway. Set Modified Condition "ZED" throughout the ship. Commenced conforming to the movements of USS NORTHAMPTON, getting into position for scheduled firing exercises. Set condition of Readiness I in main and anti-aircraft battery, in preparation for firing. Tested 1.1" machine guns & 20 MM guns.


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