Jul. 1st, 1944-
Anchored in Berth #12, San Francisco Bay, CA.
Garrity, R. W., Lt. Comdr. reported aboard for duty as relief of
Loftin, William Frank, Comdr. Comdr. Loftin was detached from ship to report to the USNH, San Leandro, CA. for duty.
Martens, W. F., MM2c left the ship to report to the CO, Receiving Ship, San Francisco, CA. for further assignment by SuborComServPac.
Ship left San Francisco Bay, CA. for practice firing of guns.
Wright, J. E., S1c received lacerated left thumb while running meat slicer. Wound treated at sick bay; not admitted to sick list.
#1 Motor Whaleboat reported loose on skids. Trapp, Paul A., Bos'n" was carried by a wave and thrown against boat skid while inspecting lashing of #1 motor whaleboat; He received the following injuries:
Fracture(simple) to left humerus. Secured #1 motor whaleboat to boat skids; boat received minor damage to hull.
Jul. 2nd, 1944
Steaming in route to Kuluk Bay, Adak Island from San Francisco, CA. to join Task Force 94. Visibility good sea is very rough. Heavy sea washed plane CS-5 from starboard catapult onto the well deck, causing heavy structural damage to both plane and catapult.
Jul. 3rd-6th, 1944-No Remarks
Jul. 7th, 1944
SK radar contact on land, distance 75 miles. Believed to be Seguam Island in the Aleutian Chain. Sighted USS RICHMOND, USS WICKES (DD578). Sighted land, distance 32,500 yards, identified as ANAGAKSIK ISLNAD. Approaching ASUKSAK PASS; Captain at the Conn. Passed between sono-bouys, standing toward KULUK BAY, ADAK, ALASKA. Entering SWEEPERS COVE, KULUK BAY. Commenced maneuvering to moor alongside Dock #7, port side to swinging to starboard.
Transferred the following men to Navy #230, NOB, Adak, Alaska:
Trapp, Paul A., Boatswain, (fracture of left forearm);
Heffner, Bobby Sherrell, WT2c; (osteomylitis);
Mumpower, Fred Patrick, S2c(undetermined)(returned to ship Jul. 13th)
Kummick, Kenneth Francis, RM1c and
Nelson, Carl William, SM2c were transferred to the USS CHESTER(CA27) for duty.
Wilhelm, Robert Donald, FC1c was transferred to NOB, Adak, Alaska, FFT to USS PORTLAND(CA33) in compliance with basic orders.
The following named men were transferred to NOB, Adak, Alaska, FFT to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US, FFT to Advanced Gunner's Mates School, Repair Base, San Diego, CA. for a course of instruction:
Bush, Glen Alden, GM3c;
Toti, Paul, GM3c;
Jacobsen, Joseph Ross, GM3c
Kolb, Elliot Charles, GM3c
Jacobson, Oscar Martin, GM2c and
Sagolla, Salvatore Joseph, GM2c were transferred to NOB, Adak, Alaska, FFT to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US FFT to Advanced Gunner's Mate and Electrical Hydraulic School, NYD, Washington, DC for a course of instruction.
Poole, J. D., S2c was transferred to the USS CHESTER(CA27) for duty.
Thompson, John[James] Emanuel, CWT(PA) was transferred to NOB, Adak, Alaska, FFT to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US FFT to Water Tender Classification Center for a course of instruction.
Hodnett, William Finley, EM2c was transferred to NOB, Adak, Alaska, FFT to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US, FFT Electrician's Mates Classification Center for course of insturction.
Jul. 8th-9th, 1944-NO REMARKS
Jul. 10th, 1944
Vegoren, Robert H., F1c was transferred to NOB, dispensary, Adak, Alaska for treatment of German measles. Returned to the ship on Jul. 22nd, 1944.
Adams, George C., S2c was treated for injury of puncture wound. While heaving fishing line, hook caught in palm of right hand; Treatment: hook removed, wound cleaned and dressed. Tetanus given.
Gould, Bert Rolson, MoMM3c received intracranial injury when he fell off Jacob's ladder into boat while boarding ship. Awaiting transfer to NOB Dispensary, Adak, Alaska. [Note: Transferred on Jul. 11th]
Jul. 11th-12th, 1944- NO REMARKS
Jul. 13th, 1944
Smith, Nathaniel, StM2c was transferred to NOB, Adak, Alaska, FFT to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US.
Jul. 14th, 1944
Blair, David Gordon, Lt. Comdr. was detached to proceed by first available government transportaion to report to the CO of the USS CONCORD(CL-10) for duty as Navigator
Wolfe, Earl Albert, CQM was transferred to NOB FFT via FAGTRANS for assignment to duty in new construction.
Jul. 15th, 1944
Rear Admiral E. G., Small came aboard for presentation of a citation to
Busbey, L. W., Jr., Captain. The ceremony took place on the Well Deck; all hands were assembled in sight of the ceremony. Admiral Small read the citation appended and presented Captain Busbey with the Silver Star Medal. Citation quoted herewith:
In the name of the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet, takes pleasure in presenting the SILVER STAR MEDAL to CAPTAIN LEROY W. BUSBEY, USN for service as set forth in the following CITATION:
"For gallantry and intrepidity in the line of his profession as Commanding Officer of a cruiser during action against the enemy. The cruiser under his command effectively bombarded enemy shore installations in the face of fire from shore batteries and retired without damage. The task group of which his ship was a part maintained its position within easy bombing range of enemy bases during which time the group was subjected to air attacks. his courageous and intelligent leadership not only brought his own ship through safely, but materially contributed to the defense of the entire task group and the success of its mission. His actions were in accordance with the highest traditions of the naval service."
s/ C. W. Nimitz, Admiral, US Navy
Woods, George C., Cox and
Wilder, W. B., S1c were transferred to NOB Dispersary, Adak, Alaska.
Morin, Alfred Fracis, GM3c,
Lundeen, George Sylvester, GM3c,
Duval, William Keith, GM3c
Tatich, Peter, GM3c were transferred to CO., NOB #230 Adak, Alaska, FFT to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US, FFT USN Repair Base, San Diego, CA. for a course of instruction in Advanced Gunner's Mate School.
Kirkpatrick, John James, FC2c was transferred to report to CO, NOB #230, Adak, Alaska, FFT via FAGTRANS to nearest receiving ship on the west coast of the US, FFT to NYD, Washington, D. C. for a course of instruction in Advanced Fire Control School.
Watson, Hertis Lee, GM1c was transferred to CO. NOB#203, FFT via FAGTRANS to nearest receiving ship on west coast of US, FFT to Washington, D. C. for a course of instruction in Advanced Gunner's Mate and Electric Hydraulic School.
Pacana, Joseph Thomas, EM3c was transferred to San Francisco, CA. for a course of instruction in Eletrician's Mate.
Wilson, Wilbur Joel, FC3c was transferred to Submarine Base, Dutch Harbor, Alaska, for physical and then to New London, Connecticut for a course in Submarine training.
Jul. 16th-17th, 1944 - NO REMARKS
Jul. 18th, 1944
Trenary, Donald C., Lt. reported on board for duty.
Jul. 19th-21st, 1944 - NO REMARKS
Jul. 22nd, 1944
McWaid, John Arthur, Lt. was transferred this date with records and accounts, with orders to report to Commander Cruisers Pacific Fleet for duty.
McInturff, Allen L., Lt. was transferred to Great lakes, IL. to report to Commandant, Naval Training Center for duty.
Jul. 23rd, 1944
Clark, V. L., AOM2c and
Epperson, R. M., ARM3c reported on board for duty.
Jul. 24th, 1944 - NO REMARKS
Jul. 25th, 1944
Zavala, Salvador Antonio, S2c lacerated 2nd and 3rd fingers of right hand while hoisting in #1 motor whaleboat. Sulfathiazole dressing applied and one half gram morphine given.
Jul. 26th, 1944 - NO REMARKS
Jul. 27th, 1944
Moore, Frank Willoughby, CSC was admitted to sick bay for treatment of lacerated scalp. Man slipped and fell backward, striking head against barbette. Treatment: sulfanilamide crystals and silk sutures; Dressing applied.
Jul. 28th-31st, 1944 - NO REMARKS